You Might Be Trapped in Sin Without Knowing It!

Oct 20, 2024    Angel Escudero

I was looking forward to this message about delighting in God's presence. In our journey through the book of Romans, we are wrapping up a significant section that emphasizes the importance of grace and faith in our salvation. The Apostle Paul teaches us that it is not the law that saves us, but rather it is through faith and grace that we find salvation. This week, we dive into Romans chapter 5 and 6, where Paul contrasts the disobedience of Adam with the obedience of Jesus. While Adam's sin brought death, Jesus' sacrifice offers us eternal life. It's crucial to understand that we are all imperfect and can only die for our own sins, but Jesus, being perfect, died for all of us. However, we must accept this gift of salvation. The law serves to show us our shortcomings, but grace abounds even more. We cannot out-sin God's grace, and that is the good news! But this raises an important question: should we continue to sin just because we have grace? Paul emphatically answers this with a 'certainly not!' We are called to live as those who are dead to sin and alive in Christ. This means we must make a commitment to God, just as baptism symbolizes our death to sin and resurrection in Christ. It's a commitment that requires us to pick up our cross daily and follow Him. The path of faith is not easy, but it is rewarding. We must not let sin reign in our lives, as it leads to death. Instead, we should present ourselves as instruments of righteousness. Remember, salvation is free, but it comes with a cost. Are you ready to embrace this commitment and live a life that reflects your faith? Let's explore this journey together and discover the true freedom that comes from grace and faith.